earth to ocean
Selected presentations and workshops
earth to ocean staff have delivered presentations or contributed to workshops as listed below:
- Invited expert: Estuarine and Marine Classification Workshop. Townsville, 19-20 February 2014.
- Invited speaker: Graduate Network for Tropical Research Conference, Cairns, 4-8 November 2013
- Invited expert: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Outlook Report 2014 Expert Consensus Workshop, Townsville, 14-16 October 2013-10-24
- Invited expert: Approaches to mapping biophysical processes in the Great Barrier Reef Region Workshop. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. 27 March 2013.
- Biophysical principles for designing resilient marine protected area networks with multiple objectives. International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns. July 2012
- Bowen water users focus group workshops on water compliance. 14, 15 May 2012
- Burnett water users focus group workshops on water compliance. 16, 17 May 2012
- James Cook University focus groups on corporate professional development needs. Mt Isa campus (22 February 2011), Cairns campus (23 February 2011), Townsville campus (9, 10 March 2011)
- Pacific Conservation Conference Workshop Facilitator. 22-26 October 2007.
- “Ecosystem-based management of Western Pacific Fisheries” Two workshops: socio-economic aspects (January 2006) and a final policy-focused workshop (January 2007)
- A new Zoning Plan for the Great Barrier Reef: implementing the brave new world. Presented at: Managing and Researching Reefs in a Changing World: Australian Coral Reef Society 81st Annual Conference, Heron Island, Queensland, 19-22 August 2005.
- Biophysical principles to design a network of no-take areas: the Great Barrier Reef case study. Presented at: First International Marine Protected Areas Congress, Geelong, Victoria, 23-28 October 2005.
- Analytical tools - what they can, and cannot do, when developing MPA networks. Presented at: First International Marine Protected Areas Congress, Geelong, Victoria, 23-28 Oct. 2005.
- Decision support systems for natural resource management. Poster Presented at: First International Marine Protected Areas Congress, Geelong, Victoria, 23-28 Oct. 2005.
“Ecosystem Based Management & Reserve Network: A Learning Workshop for the Fiji Islands” Aug. ’04.
- Weaving an ideal design of MPAs into the real world: the Great Barrier Reef case study. In: Abstracts, 10th International Coral Reef Symposium : Stability and Degradation of Coral Reef Ecosystems, June 28 to July 2, 2004, Okinawa Convention Center, Okinawa, Japan. Okinawa: ICRS 2004, International Society for Reef Studies, Japanese Coral Reef Society, 2004. p. 207.
- “Risk spreading as a strategy to build resilience into large scale planning on the Great Barrier Reef “ Sep. ’03. World Parks Congress, Durban, South Africa.
- National Marine Classification Scheme Workshop. Melbourne Victoria. Sep. 2002.
- Protecting representative areas of bio diversity in the biggest coral reef ecosystem in the world. In: World Congress on Aquatic Protected Areas: what works best and how do we know? Handbook and abstracts, Cairns Convention Centre, Cairns, Queensland, 14-17 August 2002. Victoria: Australian Society for Fish Biology, p. 83.
- Scenario planning workshop on the social and economic impacts of coral bleaching. Townsville, Australia August 2002
- Connectivity Workshop for The Nature Conservancy/Conservation International global initiative – Transforming Coral Reef Conservation. Townsville, Australia April 2002
- Sustaining Seascapes – the science and policy of marine resource management. Spring Symposium of the American Museum of Natural History. New York, USA. March 2002
- Marine Protected Areas Management Effectiveness: Indicators Workshop. Chichiriviche, Venezuela Oct. 2001
- Global International Waters Assessment – Great Barrier Reef Sub-region 60. Townsville, Australia. July 2001.
- Plenary: Why is the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority rezoning the entire Marine Park? Australian Coral Reef Society Annual Conference. Magnetic Island, Australia. July 2001.
- GBRMPA/CRC Reef Joint Scoping Workshop on Performance Indicators for Management of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. Townsville, Australia. June 1999.